The efs 2019 Altitude Training Camp in Switzerland was aimed at giving a solid finish to a winter of training pre the 2 x World Championships-- or kick starting a 2019/20 season
(1) ITU Age group Championships, Lausanne ,Switzerland
(2) 70.3 World Champs in Nice, France

Glacier lakes for wetsuit sessions, plenty of mountainous climbs for bikes and trail running areas make this sort of training environment stimulating and refreshing after city roads & a bleak winter indoors.
Add into this the superb food catering of the region, with base altitude starting at 990mtrs and it is no wonder athletes are able to perform so well after the program is finished and they start their racing.

Is it expensive ?
Not at all -- - compared to average Perth Hotel cost for one night you get for appx same $$$ ---- full days training ( 3 x coached sessions + your accomodation + breakfast + 3 course dinner )
What is Extra ?
Airfares are an extra --but you have airport pick up and drop off included ( Geneva )
How long ??
Minimum stay 7 days - best value for training are the 10 day or 2 week options
When is next one ?
Always based on demand--expressions of interest for August 2020 now open

Local events when ever possible are scheduled in for the unique experience :
Trail Event
Lake Swim
Road Bike Event
Training session with local Tri Club
Visiting overseas athletes