This list really shows what a strong tri and multisport club can do in a calendar year for and with its membership. Hope 2018 was enjoyed by all.....
Well done to all involved during 2018 as members/coach's/committee/volunteers/sponsors/training partners & more ---other clubs often do little to give a return to members --- stay with the strength.
JAN - Junior Bikes arrive
- Trail Series rat competitors
- Masters National Swim Champs in Adelaide
- Aust Life Saving Champs
- Sportreat Roller Session
- Snowy Mtns X Tri competitors
FEB - Club Night series starts ( 4 of with bbq )
- Rotto Run/Swim event
- Rats on Bikes (India)
- Rotto Channel Swim . --Solo/teams/duo
- Movie Night
MAR - Busso 70.3 Camp
- Port2Pub solo/Teams
- Volunteers @ R2R Half marathon
- TO at Bermuda ITU event
APR - Partnership with LFB for Junior Triathlon Academy begins
- Bike Workshop
MAY - Busselton 70.3
- Bintan OD ..Overseas Club Event
JUNE - TWA Awards - 4 podiums
JULY - EFS Awards & AGM
- New club trailer ordered AUG - 4 x Rats in South Africa at 70.3 Worlds
--100% Womens Squad started
SEP - 7 rats at ITU Worlds in Australian Age Group Team
OCT- New Season Opener BBQ
- Junior Tri Academy moves to 3 weekly sessions
NOV - Mtn Bike Workshop @ LFB
- First event for year with new club Trailer launch
DEC - Annual efs rats Xmas ride & breakfast
- Santa breaks World 50mtr record at LFB Pool in 58.4 secs